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The exhibition of photographer and local resident Sander van den Bosch, called ‘Uit de Kluiten’ and ‘Opstaan’, will soon open in the Buurtkamer. You are welcome to attend the opening on Oct. 4, between 5 and 7 p.m. in Buurtkamer Over de Brug, at Isaac Titsinghkade 123. The photographer himself will be present and you will be welcomed with music, a drink and a snack.  

‘Uit de Kluiten’ (english: From the clods) is about plants and trees: “Plants grow. are formed or not. As a result, they sometimes become characters that influence the environment” van den Bosch said. In ‘Opstaan,’ (english Rising) the photographer has captured the moment of waking up in portraits: “A portrait of the moment before awareness.” 

The exhibition can be visited in the Buurtkamer during opening hours Oct. 4 through Nov. 22, 2024, Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  

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