Stichting Over de Brug and BOB Helpt

The Eilandenoverleg is a platform of active residents (groups) of the Eastern Islands and Kadijken, focusing on liveability. A separate working group was active for Oostenburg Noord. Some members of that working group set to work from 2018 to see what opportunities the new building would bring to the neighbourhood. That focused on work and meeting. The Over de Brug foundation was created for that purpose:

Over de Brug: the aim is for neighbourhood residents to meet both new residents with each other and current residents. For this purpose, a Neighbourhood Room, social cultural programming is promoted, together with other neighbourhood initiatives and initiatives by new residents of Oostenburg Noord.

The work-related initiative is called BOB Helps. The aim is to help people from the neighbourhood find work in the area. A lot of jobs are being created in Oostenburg Noord. People can get work there who would otherwise have difficulty finding a job. Chiquita Odjo-Seymonson has been seconded from the municipality to provide professional content.

New residents in the existing neighborhood.

In the center of Amsterdam, construction is underway on the northern part of the island of Oostenburg, which, together with the islands of Kattenburg and Wittenburg, forms the ‘Eastern Islands’. This new district offers opportunities for the neighborhood.

How will new residents feel comfortable and how will they participate? How will the residents of the surrounding neighborhoods feel welcome in this new district and make use of the innovation? Reciprocity and connection between existing and new residents is important. By 2023, 2,000 new residents will live in Oostenburg Noord and by the end of 2025 there will be more than 3,000.

It is already noticeable that many expats live in the new district. Some new residents think it is almost half that. These people are often here for a limited period and do not speak Dutch. There are also many people who live here for a relatively short time due to their rental contract or the size of their home. All in all, reason to pay extra attention to how contacts are established and maintained.

Board members of the Over de Brug Foundation

The board members are the initiators and live in the area:

Rob van Dijk chairman

Lex Gründeman treasurer

Aart Nolen secretary

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