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Discover the magic of the Czaar Peter Quarter on September 21 during the Tour de Czaar, an interactive, audio walking tour of the highlights of the Czaar Peter Quarter. You will walk a route where you will stop at 15 historical and striking places in the neighborhood. There, you can click on an interactive map to listen to the history of this place. It’s like listening to an audiobook, you’ll leap into the vivid past where voice actors narrate a wonderful story. The route starts at the picturesque Kattenburgerplein, you are guided through the beautiful Van Gendt Hallen and the tour ends at the historic Molen De Gooyer, where Tour de Czaar participants receive a free beer from Brouwerij ‘t IJ.  

Between 12:00 and 18:00 you will be surprised along the way with activities, live performances, and cozy market stalls of entrepreneurs and local residents. Cafés will be ready at various points with delicious snacks and drinks. 

The official opening is at 12:00 on the Kattenburgerplein. Director of Stadsdeel Centrum, Amélie Strens, will open the Tour de Czaar, accompanied by none other than Czar Peter himself. 

More information about the program and route can be found at:
Website: https://www.czaarpeterkwartier.nl
Instagram: @czaarpeterkwartier
Facebook: Czaar Peter Kwartier 

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