Certificate Ceremony for Women’s Project Zij aan Zij aan Zet

On Friday, July 20th, the festive certificate ceremony for the women’s project ‘Zij aan Zij aan Zet’ took place in Buurtkamer Over de Brug.

Thirteen women, primarily from the Oostelijke Eilanden, gathered twice a week for 10 weeks to participate in a training program tailored to their personal development.

The goal of Zij aan Zij aan Zet is to help women gain insight into their own qualities and talents, allowing them to grow further. This is done through customized support.

For some, this means mediation toward (volunteer) work in Oostenburg Noord and surrounding areas, while for others it could lead to participation in work-study programs or further education.

Since September 12th, the mediation phase has begun, where participants meet weekly to work toward their set goals.

Trainer Farzana Shams and project leader Chiquita Odjo-Seymonson are very pleased with the women’s enthusiasm and dedication, and are looking forward to October, when a second group of women will start.

Want to know more about Zij aan Zij aan Zet? Click the link below.

Zij aan Zij aan Zet – Regionaal Werkcentrum Groot-Amsterdam (rwcgrootamsterdam.nl)