Mobility on Oostenburg

A meeting was held at De Buurtkamer on Oostenburg on 30 April 2024, where various stakeholders considered mobility issues in the neighbourhood. Led by John and Sander, it was discussed that mobility on Oostenburg includes not only cars, scooters and bikes, but also parking facilities and shared mobility. Residents expressed different needs, ranging from public transport use to owning various vehicles. 

Ilse Lek, area broker on behalf of the municipality, gave a presentation in which she stressed that Oostenburg is car-free, with only loading/unloading spaces and disabled parking spaces. Plans are being considered for ‘hubs’ for shared mobility, such as shared scooters. The INIT building will move large cars elsewhere in 2025, but space use after this shift is still unclear. 

Peter Balm of Q-Park discussed the importance of Q-Park as a parking facility on Oostenburg for INIT employees, catering visitors and residents. There is a resident subscription scheme, but rates are difficult for some residents to bear. Special rates for visitors to residents are being considered. 

Jeanette van Eijk of Greenwheels showed interest in shared mobility on Oostenburg, but stressed that occupancy rates must be at least 20%. Residents also raised practical questions, such as temporary pedestrian passages and improvements to cycle paths. There are concerns and delays about the Van Gendthallen due to objections from residents, which residents are pushing for a solution. 


Q-Park has indicated that they do not intend to discontinue the reduced rate for residents’ season tickets beyond the agreed five-year period after the completion of the car park in February 2025. However, there is ambiguity about who sets the rates and residents are waiting for clear communication on this from Q-Park, Achmea and Stadgenoot. 

For residents currently outside the scheme, Q-Park is willing to enter into talks for new arrangements, but this depends on existing agreements with various parties and available parking spaces. 

Share cars 

With regard to shared cars, the municipality indicates that on-street parking is currently not possible due to the car-free policy. Greenwheels, as a provider of shared cars, prefers street parking but understands that this will not be feasible in the long run due to city policies. However, they are willing to take on technical challenges to facilitate shared mobility in car parks, provided parking costs remain affordable. 

Q-Park stresses that they are bound by existing agreements with developers and the municipality on tariffs and parking availability. According to Q-Park, the initiative to revise rates or subsidise shared cars lies with Stadgenoot and Achmea. 


In conclusion, the initiative to implement share cars lies with absent parties such as Stadgenoot and Achmea. Alternative locations such as Achmea parking garages for shared cars are also being considered.