On April 25, neighborhood residents gathered at the Buurtkamer for a talk show about culture on Oostenburg. Led by Eddy Appels, coordinator of socio-cultural programming at the Buurtkamer, panelists talked about existing and future cultural institutions on the island.

Quartermaster of the new Drift Museum in the Van Gendthallen, Mark de Kruijk, talked about his plans for the museum: there will be an open space through which local residents can walk, an indoor harbor and they expect 500,000 visitors a year!

Menno Liauw, founder of FUTURES, talked about the European photography platform with headquarters and exhibition space on Oostenburg. At least once a month they organize an exhibition/event for their artists in residence, where local residents are welcome. In doing so, they make use of the ground floor, including the common hall, of the building on Isaac Titsinghkade where they are located.

The future Liesbeth List house was also present: Ed Cools, chairman of the board of the Stichting KunstenaarsHuizen Amsterdam, talked about the house to be developed for older artists who need some care. The house will be located on the Buurtplein and the developers therefore plan to seek a lot of connection with the neighborhood, for example through the café that will be located on the Buurtplein.

Another institution that is soon to be found at the Buurtplein: Wooncollectief Noorderzon, a live-work community of people over 50 with a focus on neighborhood-oriented activities. Pierik I’Istelle and Silvie Dronkers told about their plans: Noorderzon will be a place for neighborhood residents with regular activities such as yoga and Aikido. There will also be a space with tools so that local residents can repair and make things.

Eddy Appels closed the panel with comments about the programming of the Buurtkamer and the uncertainty about the Werkspoorhal: what is going to come there and can neighborhood residents do anything with it? Those present shared his concerns. Fortunately, there will be plenty to be found in the coming years in the cultural field because this talk show alone shows that there is and will be no shortage of culture on Oostenburg!