Input from residents results in additional green space for Oostenburg

Last month, there was a green meeting where the 10-point plan Groen Oostenburg was presented by urban planners Tess Broekmans and Maarten Lankerster. Present at the meeting were three representatives of Amsterdam municipality and two representatives of Stadgenoot. Residents and residents of Oostenburg asked them critical questions, and not without result: the answers showed that Groen Oostenburg is taken seriously.

Residents were satisfied that luckily there will be more greenery on Oostenburg than currently planned. This plan was presented on time and therefore realistic and easy to fit into the further development of public space on Oostenburg. On 17 June is the next Manifesto Meeting where developers investors and the municipality will enter into discussion. Groen Oostenburg is also on the agenda then, including a cost estimate and a proposal for the distribution key. On to a Green(er) Oostenburg!

Read the updated version of the Green Plan (in Dutch – PDF)